- Oil Change, Lube, Filter
- Engine Tuning
- Brake Services
- Air Conditioning & Heating
- Electrical System
- Tire & Wheel Services
- Performance Upgrades
- Diagnostics
- Engine Repairs
- Fluid Leak Repairs
- Timing Belts & Hoses
- Transmission Repair
- Factory Maintenance
- Suspension
- Exhaust System
Computer Engine Diagnostic

Don't ignore the "check engine light," bring your vehicle in today. Our auto repair shop features the latest state-of-the-art equipment to provide exact repairs on your vehicle. We have technicians specially trained to tackle any electrical problem.
Brake Replacement & Repair

Brakes are the most important safety device in your car. Inspecting your brakes twice a year for wear and damage can protect you and your passengers. Additionally, it will also help save you money by catching any damage before it becomes too costly.
A/C & Heating Repair

We will provide a comprehensive evaluation of your heating and A/C system to determine what we can do to fix any issues. We offer affordable prices and guaranteed workmanship.
Fan Belt & Hose Repair

A fan belt is a belt connecting your car's engine to the front mounted accessories. The fan belt rotates the water pump and engine fan, which maintains a cool environment for the engine and its components. Hoses transfer coolant and antifreeze throughout the engine's cooling system (including the radiator). Sooner or later, your vehicle's fan belts and hoses will dry out and crack. When you are ready for a replacement you can count on us for your vehicle's needs.
Oil Change & Filter Services

Oil is what lubricates a vehicle's engine, allowing it to run smoothly and last longer. Experts recommend changing the oil and oil filter in your vehicle every 3 months or 3,000 miles, which ever is first. It’s an essential way to maximize engine. If the check engine oil light comes on while driving, this is a strong indication that the car is running low on oil. However, if the oil light stays on or lights up shortly after adding oil, there may be a leak and a mechanic should look at the car.
Tire Services

We stock all types of tires, ranging from low profile to all-terrain tires. We can special order any kind you'd like. With top-rate equipment, our staff can properly mount, balance, rotate, and align your tires to give you the best ride possible.
Starter & Alternator Service

A starter is a motor that rotates the internal combustion engine to initiate the engine's operation. An alternator is an automotive device that converts mechanical energy to electric energy. Both starters and alternators are important parts of your car's engine and their failure would translate to your car's failure. We have experts who can handle all your starter and alternator needs.
Radiator Service

Radiators are heat exchangers for cooling your car's internal combustion engine. When the radiator fails, the excess heat produced by the engine could damage the engine components. To prevent this from happening, have your radiator serviced regularly. To have your radiator needs handled by experts, visit our shop today.
Battery Replacement

The battery powers the ignition system, starter motor, and lights of a vehicle. If you need to jump start your vehicle, your battery is failing. When a battery starts deteriorating, it can either be replaced or repaired - this will depend on the severity of damage. We provide a convenient battery testing and replacement service to get you back on the road. Battery replacement, charging, installation, testing, and recycling - we handle it all.
Power Steering Flush Service

Our technicians use a powerful cleaner to dissolve gum and varnish in your car’s power steering unit. Next, we will flush old, worn-out contaminated fluid and install fresh new fluid fortified with a special antioxidant and anti-wear ingredients to prevent expensive mechanical failure. You can count on us give your vehicle the care it deserves.
Fuel Induction Services

Fuel Induction Services have become a major item in our industry, mostly because of the amount of Ethanol in today's fuel. This service will smooth your acceleration and noticeably increase your fuel mileage. We will quickly and effectively clean the intake manifold, ports, intake valves, and combustion chamber, as well as install injector cleaning additive in the tank. This service will restore lost power and performance and will reduce harmful exhaust emissions.
Transmission Service

Repairing or replacing your transmission can be one of the most expensive repairs you may have to make on your vehicle. Maintaining your transmission according to your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations, not only prolongs its life but it can prevent a costly repair or breakdown in the future. Using the latest technology, we will install a safe and effective cleaner to suspend harmful varnish and sludge from the transmission components.